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Montpelier Primary School

Vision & Ethos

Curious, Creative and Confident

The best way to describe the ethos of our school is through the word 'family'. That is what we are - a family of pupils and parents and staff and governors who look after each other and look out for each other. We want to make sure that each one of us feels valued and celebrated, challenged and supported. Whilst we understand that academic achievement is important, we believe that first and foremost we need to feel safe and happy; when that is secure, then all the rest will follow.

We want to make sure that our children develop a passion for learning.  We cannot teach them everything that they will ever need to know but we can teach them how they can always go about learning it.We are not afraid to make mistakes or to get in 'the learning pit'. 

Ultimately we want all of our school family to be 'Curious, Creative and Confident', no matter how young or not so young we are.