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Montpelier Primary School

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

We’re so excited to be at the start of a new school year and looking forward to all the amazing learning experiences that are ahead!

We will start the year by getting to know our new classes, making sure we’re all feeling happy and settled. Our topic for Autumn Term is The Romans and the children will be learning about why they were so important to life in Britain today.

Year 4 Curriculum Letter 2023-24

Year 4 - September and October dates and information

Art - This week we have been learning about Roman Gladiators across many of our school subjects. In PE, we have been looking at their movements and posture and in English we have been discussing the key characteristics needed to be a Roman Gladiator. During our Art sessions we have been learning about shape and form in sculpture and have made a start on our end of unit project. We used our prior knowledge on Roman Gladiators to sketch different body shapes and movements and then we made Armatures using metal rods and started to re-create our gladiators. Here is the first step of our project and the children can't wait to continue building upon this over the next few weeks.

Science - This week the children have been investigating how sound travels. We started off by researching and learning about Alexander Graham Bell and how he invented the telephone. We then made our own telephones and went outside to test them and see how they worked best. When the lines were tight, slack, around objects or even what happened to the sound when they were crossed over.